Friday, June 25, 2010

Life, so good of you to stop by

It's been awhile since I've written on the blog. Normally, its reserved for travel, which consequently is when I have less free time, less availability to internet and less motivation to do much of anything. My daily quota of words are used up in the first hour of my day....and yet, that's when I choose to blog? The irony in my life never ceases to amaze me.
So since the last time I decided to grace the vast network known as internet with my subtle yet wise words was after Thanksgiving, much has happened since then. For family and friends who do check this, I have since moved into a new townhouse, have a new roommate, left the country- and returned, been to three states, consumed more guacamole than the average person does in a lifetime and finished approximately ten books. Exciting right? Okay, so many of you have asked how Mexico was, for photos and stories and the likes, so here are a few stories from adventures in Yelapa.

For those who don't know, I went to Mexico in May with two close friends from childhood, Alissa and Donica. We've quite literally been planning on going on some form of a vacation since we were in 4th grade, when our friendships began. If you can imagine me in jean on jean and keds, Kendra tall and lanky, Donica looking exactly the same but with overalls on and Alissa with greased hair from maybe coconut oil sitting around at recess planning this trip you'd probably have a pretty good depiction of what it actually was like. Our grand goal was Hawaii after graduating high school, but for so many who finally hit that age; money, stress and parental authority overruled Hawaii. So we next moved to Plan B, a big vacation after graduating from college, because what's another four years, and then we'd finally be real grown ups with college educations to prove it.
That didn't happen. The difference between starting out college with no money and ending college with no money is that in the beginning you are so unaware of financial responsibility and student loans that it doesn't factor into day to day decisions....after graduating with again no money, that limitation is a bit more well known when your pocket book is empty, your fridge is baren and your gas never hits above half a tank. Apparently being a real grown up is when you realize you don't have endless supplies of money and you have to work full time for a living. Which I'm okay with, I'm just sayin'.
Anyway, we finally took our trip this past May. It took us only 16 years to do it. Speaking for all of us, it was bittersweet to finally jump on that early flight and end up in such a beautiful location. Bitter, because Kendra wasn't with us and I think we all miss her so much everyday that it physically hurts sometimes but sweet because we finally did it and not just for us three but for us four. We completed what was once started in overalls and keds. It was like a living testament to the bonds that can be created between friendships, and it was such a blast!
Wake up. Put swimsuite on. Lay by the ocean. Read book. Swim in ocean. Eat lunch. Lay by the ocean. Read book. Swim in ocean. Eat guacamole and chips. Lay by the ocean. Swim in pool. Change. Sit in room finding things to do with no tv, no internet, no games and basically no lights.
That paragraph summed up our daily activities. We literally laid oceanside all week. I read two and a half books while in Mexico, because that is how little we did activity wise. Alissa did get stung by a jellyfish, and we did scavenge for fresh mango's falling from tree limbs. I might have occasionally hunted down insects and taken photos of them, slightly terrified of being bitten but too enamored to care. Donica read a book for the first time in years. Oh, and we did the daily scoop the rocks out of our swimsuite action multiple times a day. The beach wasn't smooth and soft, it was pebbles and hurt. Getting stuck in the waves caused little pebbles to fill our swimsuites so it felt like walking around with a full diaper on. I actually just found a few pebbles in a swimsuite top last week, sorry mom, for dropping them throughout your house. :o)
I'm going to post a few pics, because the pretty much does sum it all up. Relaxing!