Friday, January 13, 2012

New Year, New Look

Any of you who might take a gander at this now and again will notice it's had an extreme make over, including the name. Chasing Love. You might be wondering why that name, asking yourself if I've decided to take the approach of actually chasing men who I deem eligible...but that answer is a solid no, I have not yet succumbed to that means so you can continue to tell me all about "this great guy you know" or how "your son is still single". I changed it to Chasing Love because, as I've said in the past, I want to personify a life of love, I want to love everyone I meet no matter how difficult that might be (and sometimes it really is). I want to be the best example of God's love that I possibly can be, I want to seek it in all that I do, and in all who I come into contact. I want to chase it. And I want it to chase me.

I decided this year to take some time to come up with my new years resolution. More often than not I never follow through with NYE resolutions, and I mean really, how many people actually do. Not this year. I AM DOING IT. Not that I've ever been in the best shape of my life, but I'd like to start working towards that goal. I've made an excel spreadsheet so we know its the real deal, and I've been going to the gym with the mindset of a 3 mile minimum. A trick I've learned is turn on a great football game and inner mix that viewing with Keeping Up With the Kardashians and I've got a perfect mix of intensity and hilarious fluff to so immerse me into my workout that I don't even realize how far I've gone. So there is my accountability, I'm making it public knowledge and give full permission to literally slap processed and sugar loaded food out of my hands (unless it's frozen yogurt, then I might be tempted to use the moves I've learned in kickboxing on you).

This new year has also brought on new website addictions, facebook is so yesterday. Try Pinterest (you can follow my link on the right), which has so many amazing ideas and creative outlets that your face might explode. Explode with delight., I find it incredibly satisfying and entertaining to track my calories and exercise. You might think I've lost it but give it a whirl, it is so fun! Oh, and one other addiction, albeit not technological, is the Coffee Toddy. Want the smoothest, tastiest iced coffee in the world, try the coffee toddy. O...Mmmmm....G.... Delicious.

Back to my name change. I've really been praying a lot recently, and I think there is something big coming, or something I'm meant to do or be. I'm not sure what it is, but I know I want to be the best prepared I can be for it. That means changing my heart, my mind and I think my fitness level. God has done some pretty incredible things in my life, and I hope through my life. He's done these things with such a meager amount of who I could be, so what could He do with me at my possible best? Or at your possible best? The thought of finding out about this excites me to my tip toes. Driving home from work today I was so enamored with the vibrant sunset I'm surprised I didn't rear-end the car in front of me. If God takes the time to display this extent of creativity with the sky, what more will He do with His children!

So I look forward to this new year, with unknown futures, the best coffee I've ever had, creative experiments via pinterest, complete caloric and nutritional awareness, a better self and for what I can only hope will happen tomorrow- the Bronco's beating New England.
PS- I promise future posts will actually have a point. Scratch that- I promise that they will attempt to have a point.