Thursday, March 8, 2012


I’ve never really told anyone this before, mostly because it’s weird. Although, I bet I could say that about a few things in my life, it’s not limited to this one fact I’m about to divulge. I see the number 222 everywhere. I’m not a superstitious person, but a long long time ago Kendra’s dad saw the number 222 and told her about it, then she started seeing 222….then she told me about it and what do you know, now that number perpetually follows me around. I wake up at 2:22, often, not just a couple of times. My office is next to 222. My dorm room was next to 222, I’ve flown on flight 222, ridden in a taxi that was 222. These are minor occasions, but I promise, it never ceases to appear in the oddest places. You know what made me think of this random fact- The Hunger games movie, which is 2 hours and 22 minutes long.


You’ll have to tell me if you now start seeing it everywhere you go. You’ll also have to tell me if you’re as excited about The Hunger Games movie as I am!

To go with the number theme did you know that:
1.       It is 8 days until the four year anniversary of Kendra’s death. I love that I’m starting to see tulips everywhere. New growth is finally starting to appear.
2.       It is 30 days until Easter, the resurrection of our great and holy Lord.
3.       It is 69 days until my 26th birthday. Yikes! I feel old.
4.       It is 118 days until July 4th. God bless America. Rodeos. Tim McGraw. Ribs. What a great day.
5.       It is 177 days until I’ve been at my “new” job for a full year.
6.       It is 180 days until my little baby sister is a high school student. Talk about ninja growing, she snuck up on us as a teenager. She Chuck Norris’d the H out of us. Bam.
7.       It is 221 days until my adorable nephew turns one and my beautiful sister in law turns 31.
8.       And it is 351 days until February 22nd, also known as 2-22.
9.       Oh, and it’s….well, I was going to make a joke about being so many days until my wedding day but I creeped myself out too bad to actually post it.

We have so much to look forward to in life. Every day might not be filled with an abundance of joy and comfort, but how lucky are we that we get to live it. We get to have hope. We get to love. It might hurt, it might test our patience, but we are privileged to try. Privileged to fail and privileged to succeed. A lot of people might accuse me of being optimistically happy, or of having an easy life and that is why I see joy in the days that are dark and the days of light. That because I know where my next meal is coming from (and probably the exact calorie count and nutritional value of it) or that I always have arms to run into when I’m scared or hurt, or that I have people in my life reminding me that I’m wanted, I’m beautiful the way I am and that I can do whatever I want with my future- that these things have skewed my reality to the nature of the real world. And maybe it has. Or maybe I choose to see the good, in my life and in the people around me. Maybe my hope doesn’t fall on any earthly shoulders, so I am utterly never abandoned, even when I’m alone. I have 69 days left to breathe in life and enjoy it before I turn 26, and you better believe I don’t want to sit out a day just because of a little rain. 
PS- Can’t wait until the clock starts over and I can count down to my 27th!

And because it's not a real post unless there is a little food involved, here is a great recipe I tried out this week. Except I used cauliflower, egg white substitute, and soy shredded cheese. I didn't take this picture either, its from the link posted next to it.
Cauliflower Crust Pizza- 

And because it is hilarious-
Enjoy your week, full of food, exercise and love!


*Melissa* said...

Hahaha, I was obsessed with the number 4. My jersey ALWAYS had to be a 4, or 14, or for SVC when you don't get to choose your number cause it's club ball, I would some how work what ever number I was given into an equation that would EQUAL four! For example, if I was stuck with 13, The 3 plus the 1 = 4, so it was ACTUALLY 4 ;)

Also, LOVE the Hunger Game comic ;) I am a huge fan of the books, and hopefully the movie too!!! Seeing the midnight showing in Salem with some friends/ family ;)

Courtney said...

Ha, the 222 this is funny because I feel like I always looked at my odometer when it had 222.2 miles

Nadiya said...

Haha that's funny! I'm sure I would've been the first to die in Hunger Games everyone in that movie seemed to be so athletic!!!