Not to be confused with the "glamorous life," as many might believe. In less than a week I will have fulfilled a month in the life of the unemployed, unsettling. Rejuvenating. Relaxing. Restless. So many polar opposite responses to this new life I find myself in.
I've been reading a book about two homeless guys, written by them about their experiences on the streets and the treatment they received from society, specifically examining the treatment from Christians across the country. Perhaps this is foreshadowing of my future? Either way, this new found time on my hands has been a great opportunity to pick up the paperbacks, challenge my way of thinking and living, and then learn how to go about incorporating change into my everyday life.
Reading these books ranging in genre has also helped me realize the importance of reading the Bible, which I would say is it's own genre as it needs no other written work to complete or portray its message. I would like to get through the entire Bible this summer, whether a job comes into play or not. Taking a step back this summer I examined the things I waste my time with- watching tv, the internet, singing loudly and giving one person concerts in my house, taking photos, staying active outside...not to say this is what I use all my time up with but I would say its the majority of my time spent that falls into the unproductive category. I've realized that I could engage one form of learning, by reading the Bible, or I could engage multiple ways to incorporate this large goal into my life- by reading, listening and using my love of nature and the arts to better appreciate and understand the words that I'm slowly tucking into my heart. So...with that said, I bought the entire audio Bible in a dramatic reading (background music and noises included) and have been listening to that every day. Since it's MP3 CD's, perfect for the car and the iPod. I am loving it! I've also realized that I have been incorporating Old Testament trivia into my daily witty banter. Getting down OT style.
I am so ecstatic to spend time in the Word this summer, learn more about my Creator and better understand what life I am called to live! Gosh, if you feel like discussing the OT I would love to do so, as I truly want to understand, because I truly want to love.
Let's see here. I also joined a volleyball league at the Courthouse. Selected and bought paint for my rocking chair which I have been faithfully sanding in the mornings before the sun creates too bad of a tank line. Caught tadpoles and nurtured them into frogs. Sometimes I fear I shouldn't document my pass times as it tends to create an image of me as an 80 year old woman conducting science experiments and whittling wood cats while I watch my basil grow. Which is mostly not true.
Examining my past I have loved with my mind, but I want to learn how to love with my heart. I want action and movement. I want change in my heart and the world around me. I feel blessed to have been given this opportunity to dive in head first this summer. I pray daily for the job I already know God has provided, but I also pray that I use this time given to me and treat it as a gift and not a stumbling block in this currently unemployed life of mine.
so glad you posted again. and i adore you, and your amazing faith in our God's most perfect plan for your life.
Thanks for sharing Casey, I find this encouraging and challening. That's awesome that you've committed to bein in God's word. Its so important but I don't always treat it that way.
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