Wednesday, April 25, 2012

God & Greens

This may be a completely uninteresting topic to most but currently for me it’s as refreshing as a crisp afternoon sipping soy lattes and watching Ellen. This weekend I planted my very first grown up garden! Not knowing what I’m really doing my dad provided some much needed gardening knowledge and muscle power to help rototill my dried out dirt plot that was home to weeds and not much else. Now that it’s transformed into a mini paradise of soft nutrient rich dirt I was able to plant: watermelons, zucchini, eggplant, tomato, cauliflower, carrots, wild flowers, lavender, sunflowers, cucumbers, pansies, catmint, these beautiful big  purple flowers, rosemary, poppies, red cabbage, sweet potato sprouts and a mini strawberry patch. On my modestly small deck I also have snow peas, kale, swiss chard, basil, more wild flowers, mini roses and a beautiful frilly large flowering plant. Oh no, it doesn’t end here. As a final touch I’ve noticed some low spots that really hold water puddles all day after watering sessions and rainfall, where I’ll be planting Katniss, also known as arrowhead, which can grow in the soppy wet low spots and provide a nice tuber to roast and an airy white flower for show.

To say I’m pleased would be an understatement.

I like the feeling of dirt on my hands. I will proudly sport the elegant tan lines of a wife beater and the equally attractive ankle sock lines. I will even forgo sitting on the couch for crouching in the dirt to pull weeds until my legs are sore and my heart is full.

And believe you me, I will be posting some photos of the progress as my plant babies grow into adulthood.
I’m realizing this is a whole new way for me to commune with God. I feel His presence in Creation when I immerse myself in the basic elements that make it what it is. I see the scientific circle of life and the intricate details that can only have been bridged by one who is loving and wise. The internal workings of a plant are far more interesting when you consider the hands that carefully whispered them into creation and the delicate balance and dependency of all living things. It’s truly breathtaking.  

Food for Thought
 For a change of topic, here is a helpful trick I decided to try out last night. Now, some nutritional value is lost, but the convenience of it might outweigh the cons. I had some kale, spinach and celery quickly declining in my fridge so last night I decided to juice all of it with some lemons and freeze it all in ice cube trays. Like I’ve said before, freshly juiced items quickly oxidize and lose their goodness and spoil, although freezing is a way to keep juice for longer there are still elemental reactions to the air. This morning with my frozen green cubes I transferred them into an airtight freezer container for ready to use smoothie ice cubes. Now that’s a way to sneak spinach into any anti-greens diet individual! I suggest for kids using the line “it’s green because The Hulk blessed this smoothie for you personally.”

Count Down: 21 days until May 16th, my 26th birthday!

Some interesting garden info I found on companion planting

A delicious greens garden recipe, maybe accompanied with this fragrant cupcake for dessert?

Lastly, the work out class I’ve joined if you're interested in toning up and slimming down.

Have a great week!

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