Thursday, September 24, 2009

Fresno, CA

The beautiful church across from my hotel in Fresno. It is 100 degrees here!
Ahh...reminded me of the elevator you can take in the reed opera house in Salem. I miss home!

I found lunch in this fabulous little civic square that had trees, rose bushes and little cute places to eat.

I just felt everyone should feel the pain I have when I wear these high heels. Although this makes me look cheap and possibly redneck, I love the twead. Yeah, the silver area on the tip of the heel, that's metal, makes a nice clink clink noise when I walk on anything but carpet. Very enticing.
I had some great visits this week. I feel like they've been so blessed and I have had some great conversations with students and counselors. Although I haven't gotten as many high school visits scheduled as I would've prefered I feel as though the quality of these visits far surpass any quantity I could've reached. I also feel more than 5 voicemails and 2 emails begins to warrant a restraining order :o), so I'm trying to find the positive in what I am able to do and not the negative in what I am not able to do.
Students recently have been asking about the weather in Salem right now. I start out telling them about all the tree's being different colors and how its cool weather. You can comfortably wear a peacoat, scarf, fingerless gloves and walk around out in the cool air with a hot coffee and have the best time. It makes me miss this part of home so much. I think I can officially say Fall is my favorite time of the year. The colors. The feel. The excitment of knowing Holidays are near. Wearing at least 3 layers....oh boy, that is a good time to me! And a great book. Speaking of books, I bought an anatomy book from Borders last week, it was on sale and I'm a sucker for science, books and Borders.
Bests of the day/last night-
Best show- Headline Animal Attacks/ Friends.
Best Book- yeah, I'm still on Pigs in Heaven
Best station- country baby! Pleased as ever that I found a country station.
Until tomorrow.

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