Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Photos in Vallejo, CA today.

I noticed this tree behind my hotel when I was getting some fresh air outside this afternoon. I love trees!
This was just really beautiful and the sun was shining from the side.

Too bad there aren't any cool bugs inside this weird plant.

The tree by my car. The hill behind it it where the first tree was too.

Today has been such an odd day. I had two high school visits this morning, on my way to the first visit I got stuck in quite a bit of traffic (the hwy was shut down for construction...really people of California...shutting down the rural hwy). However, I made it through to find myself stopped in more traffic. There were two high schools in the city I was visiting today, I got stopped in front of the school I was not scheduled to see, literally in front of the front doorway for quite awhile. News vans, news anchors, huge sound technology type things and the likes plagued the front walk way and road. Apparently, there had been a shooting at the school about 20 minutes before I was stopped in front of it in the deadlock traffic. I did make it to my scheduled visit though, found out the information regarding the traffic at the other school and had a great chat with the counselor. So all around, an interesting morning, it was unnerving to be so close to where a gun had just been fired maliciously. Not something I hope to encounter again. And mom, no I wasn't in any danger, don't you worry.

Went for another great swim today and did some water aerobics, it was an empty pool. Probably stayed that way due to my aerobics too :o). Today I got a text from a friend about getting pumpin creamcheese muffins from Starbucks, a past favorite between the two of us. It was so weird, because I saw these delicious muffins at Starbucks yesterday and thought to myself," it must be some special right now because those are Fall pastries..." And then I realized after that text that it is actually Fall! Where did Summer go?

Shows of the day- I'm Pregnant and I didn't Know It, Toddlers and Tiaras, Glee.

Books- Pigs In Heaven

Quote of the day- "I want to be a st-aa so people will want my attogaffs." As said by an 8 year old who does pageants, acting class, writes songs with her dad (not good ones), etc.

1 comment:

Jordi said...

2 Things:

1) Your photos are amazing! Beautiful, Casey.
2) Don't act like you find Zac Efron unattractive.

whoops, one more:
3) Come home! I miss you!!!