So I've been sitting here in my room for awhile watching NCIS, mostly because its Halloween and walking around outside alone is a creepy factor of 10. I did what I said I was going to do today though- went downtown and hit up Urban Outfitters which was having a great sale, and then got lettuce wraps at PF Changs, also yummy. Came back after some other places, got in the pool for a bit, ate left overs for dinner and watched tv, exciting day. So since I've had soooo much time alone today I have had all these likes and dislikes I've realized. Here are a few-
LIKE- mystery shows
DISlike-when people don't return text messages or emails in a timely manner.
DISlike-a lot of commercials on tv, they are lame, disgusting or irritating.
LIKE- the sunset, its beautiful here, lots of colors.
LIKE-knowing I get to watch One Tree Hill when I get home
DISlike- my house
DISlike- the smell of airports and planes
LIKE- new clothes
LIKE- breakfast foods
LIKE-embarrassingly enough, the Nancy Drew movie I watched the other night
DISlike- being stuck in a rut
LIKE- the outdoors, I love being outside
DISlike- that nothing in on tv right now, not even good reruns or halloween themed shows.
DISlike- Tullys brewed coffee....vomit!
LIKE- chicken casear salad and club sandwiches
LIKE- the show "I Was Pregnant and Didn't Know It", so crazy
DISlike-men who are boys, this guy on this show so chickened out when his gf gave birth
Okay, thats enough for now, of me rambling on about things that annoy me and some things I enjoy. Today was one of those wake up in a not great mood days. What are you going to do though, its happens. At least my lettuce wraps were good and I bought a cute dress and t shirt. There's good news. If or when I ever get married and start having children, if I get pregnant and go full term with no clue of it, I allow my family and friends to not only submit my story to this show but also to mock me for at least a month. Also, the lady who is playing the real pregnant lady is suppose to be a size 12 and she is most definitely at least a size 20, come on people, come on.
Until later. :o)
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
An End of A Great Week
It has been a great week but I am still so relieved to be finished with it. Tonight and tomorrow I have no set plans, and it feels so great. A break. Just finished eating lunch- raspberries, apple slices, sweet peas and cheese kettle chips, lunch of champions. I've also just decided that the newest JC Penny commercial is so annoying that every time it comes on the tv it makes the fuzzy tv noise. Every and all axe commercial is up there in the same annoying commercial bracket, although it also reaches into the disgusting vomit in my mouth bracket as well.
Its warmed up a bit and stopped snowing and raining, so the weekend is looking pleasant. Is it sad that I've already thought of a few things I want to eat while I'm here? I was also thinking pf changs as I mentioned yesterday, and then I remembered a little greek restaurant I saw the other day, and the melting pot which I've always heard is delicious. Hmm...not sure of thats a sit by yourself kind of place though. We'll see.
Is it sad that I'd be satisfied with this day if all I did was work out and go to sleep now? Until later!
Its warmed up a bit and stopped snowing and raining, so the weekend is looking pleasant. Is it sad that I've already thought of a few things I want to eat while I'm here? I was also thinking pf changs as I mentioned yesterday, and then I remembered a little greek restaurant I saw the other day, and the melting pot which I've always heard is delicious. Hmm...not sure of thats a sit by yourself kind of place though. We'll see.
Is it sad that I'd be satisfied with this day if all I did was work out and go to sleep now? Until later!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Nampa- Boise- Meridian
I had two fairs to do today. One at Nampa Christian where I spoke in three classrooms full students for 30 minute sessions, and then the National Christian Boise fair tonight. Both successful, although I'm happy to be finished with night time events. Last night I spent with a youth group in Meridian, pizza party, Corban chat and then worship together, it was a blast! I love going to youth groups, I get some of my favorite things at those- jean wearing (so amazing), Corban chatting, hanging out with youth kids and getting to worship a great God....yes please. :o) Last night there were two girls that specifically caught my interest, not because they were really intrigued by Corban or because they were super sweet because they both had a hard edge to them and seemed lost. So I sat with them all night and got some great chats, it was really great. Thus reinforcing my want of someday having a women's Bible study group meet at my house when I'm older. I'd really like to facilitate that unity between women seeking answers, and what better answers to seek than in the Bible. And of course I would make some kick butt food for each session, goodies galore.
It has been snowing consistly all day today. And I've got to say, I haven't been a fan of it. Its the snow that doesn't stick except to your clothes and hair. I heard on the latest weather report that the temperature was suppose to get a little higher though and the weather was suppose to calm down a bit, thus making my experience here in Boise much better. As I hate getting wet when I walk outside and I plan to shop in downtown Boise this weekend, thus walking around outside. I've actually already planned this out- Saturday I'm going to sleep in (until like 9am!), work out, go downtown and hit up the cute boutiques because, well they're cute, Urban Outfitters, and eat lunch at P.F. Changs. Then, closer to my hotel is Old Navy, Ross and some discount designer shoe stores that I'd like to browse through. I'm looking for some cute flat brown boots.
So this update has successfully consisted of rambling and basically nothing of any importance. :o) Sorry about that. I was sad I missed the Office tonight, the timing for shows and what channel everything is on is so confusing! I miss every show I want to watch, oh well.
Our house is still in total disaster. My roommates spoke with our landlords today and they are now waiting for insurance information before fixing anything but the permits have been received. So good on that end, but we are left hanging until they decide on insurance stuff. My two roommates talked with the landlords like I said, and brought up rent and the heating bill. We've been told by everyone and agree that we need to be discounted the days we weren't able to stay in our own home, we want a percentage of the heating bill paid for because its on high consistently since our livingroom is open to the freezing outside air and our house is still so cold, and we want some of rent knocked off for the month because our house is in disarray, scary and uncomfortably squished. They should be compensated for loss of rent through home owners insurance or the car insurance from the car that caused this in the first place. Needless to say, landlords were not agreeing to any of those ideas and don't understand why we feel unsafe there, and said that. I'm unsure of where to go from here. All I know is, I have a cold house that I don't want to live in because I can't sleep. Be proud, last night I slept with all my lights off, that's a first since the incident, and I only woke up like 4 times, which is a major improvement since its been more like 8 times. Probably explaining why I've been feeling exhausted everyday. But God is good, its getting easier to sleep through the night and I know things will get taken care of. Its interesting to see how things turn out, definitely almost never how I planned or predicted.
That's all for now. Good night!
It has been snowing consistly all day today. And I've got to say, I haven't been a fan of it. Its the snow that doesn't stick except to your clothes and hair. I heard on the latest weather report that the temperature was suppose to get a little higher though and the weather was suppose to calm down a bit, thus making my experience here in Boise much better. As I hate getting wet when I walk outside and I plan to shop in downtown Boise this weekend, thus walking around outside. I've actually already planned this out- Saturday I'm going to sleep in (until like 9am!), work out, go downtown and hit up the cute boutiques because, well they're cute, Urban Outfitters, and eat lunch at P.F. Changs. Then, closer to my hotel is Old Navy, Ross and some discount designer shoe stores that I'd like to browse through. I'm looking for some cute flat brown boots.
So this update has successfully consisted of rambling and basically nothing of any importance. :o) Sorry about that. I was sad I missed the Office tonight, the timing for shows and what channel everything is on is so confusing! I miss every show I want to watch, oh well.
Our house is still in total disaster. My roommates spoke with our landlords today and they are now waiting for insurance information before fixing anything but the permits have been received. So good on that end, but we are left hanging until they decide on insurance stuff. My two roommates talked with the landlords like I said, and brought up rent and the heating bill. We've been told by everyone and agree that we need to be discounted the days we weren't able to stay in our own home, we want a percentage of the heating bill paid for because its on high consistently since our livingroom is open to the freezing outside air and our house is still so cold, and we want some of rent knocked off for the month because our house is in disarray, scary and uncomfortably squished. They should be compensated for loss of rent through home owners insurance or the car insurance from the car that caused this in the first place. Needless to say, landlords were not agreeing to any of those ideas and don't understand why we feel unsafe there, and said that. I'm unsure of where to go from here. All I know is, I have a cold house that I don't want to live in because I can't sleep. Be proud, last night I slept with all my lights off, that's a first since the incident, and I only woke up like 4 times, which is a major improvement since its been more like 8 times. Probably explaining why I've been feeling exhausted everyday. But God is good, its getting easier to sleep through the night and I know things will get taken care of. Its interesting to see how things turn out, definitely almost never how I planned or predicted.
That's all for now. Good night!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Boise, ID
So today was my huge national fair, 8000+ students, busy day. It started at 8:30am and ended today at 8:30pm. Looooooong day, but now over and I'm comfortably in my hotel room. My lovely lovely hotel room. With my lovely lovely comfortable bed. sleep sounds as good as chocolate meets coffee meets insanely intelligent attrative doctor meets good book. Better than that even. I was so tired that at the fair today, and after our break in which I walked around with some very funny guys who are reps at Northwest Christian and two from Concordia (which they decided that we were like the Wizard of Oz), I came back to my booth and immediately fell asleep on the floor of my little area. Flat on the floor, completely out of it, emerging just in time to have five minutes of wake up thinking before students and parents came through the front doors. Fantastic. Nap = Good. So so tired.
Downtown Boise is so adorable though. During our break we went and played a couple games of pool, I do say I got better as the afternoon continued, and then walked around and finally found a place for dinner. I don't know why it happens, but every year on the road I end up being in groups of guys, perhaps I should not vocalize my love of bugs? Haha. I'm looking forward to going to Urban Outfitters on Saturday though (my day of nothing) and saw some spas close to the shopping area downtown. I'm going to relax, work out and have some fun at shops I don't normally get to see.
Great after work adventure- The Office was on and I greatly enjoyed that while eating a late night dinner snack. And now, Seinfield is on and just flashed an enormous old school cell phone. It's a work out just to carry those old cell phones. I remember going to baseball games in elementary and middle school, such the thing to do. We'd go to these games though, eat snowcones, watch our guy friends and hang out on the old rickety bleachers and the park next to the ball park....well everytime while being there I would have my parents cell phone with me. I was not the large purse girl I am today, bigger really is better (to an extent of course, I'm not a Texan, although close to) but that cell phone would be so large that I could barely zip up my little purses. A tight fit indeed.
Oh! The fair started off like this- the doors open and students literally come running through the doors in all directions, masses of heads bobbing towards our awaiting booths. One girl in particular comes running up to the Corban booth with a friend and yells "This is where I'm going!" The lady in the booth next door to me was a wee bit jealous I think, she commented how I must feel pretty good having that start of the day. I did feel pretty good. Then as the day progressed a bunch of Camp Pinewood campers (I was a counselor at that camp for a summer in McCall in 2006), but a bunch of those campers now older were stopping by the booth and remembering me! Some I didn't really remember, some I recognized their faces, but it was so much fun to have these campers being like "you're Casey, your were a counselor at my camp." :o) It was just so cool, and a reminder of how much seeds can be planted way earlier and can grow over the years. That we as counselors at camps aren't always just passing people in these students lives, but we are "their" counselor, directly connected to their memories that were made that summer at camp. It's a pretty cool thing when you sit to really think about it. Also odd to think that I was just 20 years old, not that I'm much wiser or older now, but how much have a changed and grown since that day! And how much I will change and grow in the next three years after this year, amazing.
Update on our house- we now have a temporary wall up, flesh with your fireplace, therefore cutting our livingroom into a very tiny space. The temp wall creates a safer environment but at the same time the cold air still comes in so our house is freezing and every noise from outside is in our remaining livingroom. The temp wall does nothing to sound proof. So we're still having a little bit of trouble wanting to be there. The emotions we felt in the, what, 15 minutes of unknown danger, has definitely left its damaged mark on our minds. The loud noise doesn't
Downtown Boise is so adorable though. During our break we went and played a couple games of pool, I do say I got better as the afternoon continued, and then walked around and finally found a place for dinner. I don't know why it happens, but every year on the road I end up being in groups of guys, perhaps I should not vocalize my love of bugs? Haha. I'm looking forward to going to Urban Outfitters on Saturday though (my day of nothing) and saw some spas close to the shopping area downtown. I'm going to relax, work out and have some fun at shops I don't normally get to see.
Great after work adventure- The Office was on and I greatly enjoyed that while eating a late night dinner snack. And now, Seinfield is on and just flashed an enormous old school cell phone. It's a work out just to carry those old cell phones. I remember going to baseball games in elementary and middle school, such the thing to do. We'd go to these games though, eat snowcones, watch our guy friends and hang out on the old rickety bleachers and the park next to the ball park....well everytime while being there I would have my parents cell phone with me. I was not the large purse girl I am today, bigger really is better (to an extent of course, I'm not a Texan, although close to) but that cell phone would be so large that I could barely zip up my little purses. A tight fit indeed.
Oh! The fair started off like this- the doors open and students literally come running through the doors in all directions, masses of heads bobbing towards our awaiting booths. One girl in particular comes running up to the Corban booth with a friend and yells "This is where I'm going!" The lady in the booth next door to me was a wee bit jealous I think, she commented how I must feel pretty good having that start of the day. I did feel pretty good. Then as the day progressed a bunch of Camp Pinewood campers (I was a counselor at that camp for a summer in McCall in 2006), but a bunch of those campers now older were stopping by the booth and remembering me! Some I didn't really remember, some I recognized their faces, but it was so much fun to have these campers being like "you're Casey, your were a counselor at my camp." :o) It was just so cool, and a reminder of how much seeds can be planted way earlier and can grow over the years. That we as counselors at camps aren't always just passing people in these students lives, but we are "their" counselor, directly connected to their memories that were made that summer at camp. It's a pretty cool thing when you sit to really think about it. Also odd to think that I was just 20 years old, not that I'm much wiser or older now, but how much have a changed and grown since that day! And how much I will change and grow in the next three years after this year, amazing.
Update on our house- we now have a temporary wall up, flesh with your fireplace, therefore cutting our livingroom into a very tiny space. The temp wall creates a safer environment but at the same time the cold air still comes in so our house is freezing and every noise from outside is in our remaining livingroom. The temp wall does nothing to sound proof. So we're still having a little bit of trouble wanting to be there. The emotions we felt in the, what, 15 minutes of unknown danger, has definitely left its damaged mark on our minds. The loud noise doesn't
Monday, October 26, 2009
Idaho- Here I Am!
So travel picks right back up. I'm here in Idaho, just flew in tonight. Apparently I have a gift with bringing storms with me where ever I go. My plane ride this afternoon had the most turbulence I've ever experienced before, I'll admit, I sent up a few prayers in that last 30 minutes. It was enough to actually make me sick to my stomach, as in, hold your vomit in, close your eyes, and pretend your stomach isn't topsy turning and being ick. So needless to say, I'm here, in my hotel, didn't vomit. As to the storm, after getting my rental car and driving to my hotel a storm hit so suddenly on the drive here! It was sudden and violent enough for me to wonder if a tornado hit or something. It was sudden darkness, mostly from immense fog, and debris flying like crazy through the air. Literally, actual gusts of stuff just flying in the air, it was insane, and huge tumble week looking things flying everywhere too. I had to swerve to miss one hitting my windshield that was also quite literally probably three feet wide around. But it calmed down after 1 or 2 hours of being here and now its just pouring and mildly windy. Great way to start my Boise trip huh. Oh! And the hotel lost brief power before I got here the front desk told me, assuring me that it would be good the rest of the night.
Again, I love my hotel here! It's awesome, the nicest one I think I stay in all season. Just comfortable and safe feeling. Did I mention that I also have an adorable rental car! When I was walking to the car kiosk I thought to myself...." I really hope its that cute car..." and you know what, it was! An adorable burnt orange Dodge Caliber. I'm a happy camper.
So it should be an incredibly busy week. I'll keep you all posted as to what goes down! And I'll try to take some photos and post those as well. I also thought that I should include this- of all the things I could be watching right now I got distracted with the Nancy Drew movie! Hahaha! I must admit, childish as it may be, I loved Nancy Drew when I was younger and I've never seen this movie although a part of me has always wanted to. So there you have it, the first day in Boise, ID.
Again, I love my hotel here! It's awesome, the nicest one I think I stay in all season. Just comfortable and safe feeling. Did I mention that I also have an adorable rental car! When I was walking to the car kiosk I thought to myself...." I really hope its that cute car..." and you know what, it was! An adorable burnt orange Dodge Caliber. I'm a happy camper.
So it should be an incredibly busy week. I'll keep you all posted as to what goes down! And I'll try to take some photos and post those as well. I also thought that I should include this- of all the things I could be watching right now I got distracted with the Nancy Drew movie! Hahaha! I must admit, childish as it may be, I loved Nancy Drew when I was younger and I've never seen this movie although a part of me has always wanted to. So there you have it, the first day in Boise, ID.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Scary Day today was an interesting start to the week. One I for sure never expected and will definitely never ever forget. So this is how it went down.
At 4am this morning I hear a very loud crashing sound and shattering glass. I immediately think, "ohmygosh, someone is breaking into the house." Which of course terrified me, one of my worst nightmares come true. So I grab my phone and my pepper spray and ran to my bedroom door, fumbling in the dark for my sweatpants to cover up and dropping my pepper spray and then having to get on my hands and knees to find that. So I think, well, maybe its Andrea (my roommate) and maybe she is up for some reason and dropped something (something apparently really big and breakable, which would be nothing that we own). So I stand by door and listen, I hear crunching glass and a few things falling, which very much sounds like someone walking through my livingroom. So I think, I have to know, so I open my door and crack and call for Andrea in what I thought was a very strong voice but what was actually a very shaky voice. So I call for her twice, still hear weird stuff in the living room and hear her answer from her bedroom. Her bedroom is right next to mine and we can hear everything between our rooms so it pretty much sounds like she is literally in my room with me. So good news- Andrea and our friends Kate who spent the night were safe in Andrea's unlockable door, bad news- someone else was in our house crunching through broken glass. So this terrifying both of us even more, I slam my door shut and throw my body against it because like Andrea's door, mine doesn't lock either. So I'm wedged against my door, pepper spray still in hand and 911 on the phone.
Call to 911-
me- someone is breaking into my house right now, I heard a bang, glass shattering and I hear crunching glass.
operator- okay, what's your address. what's your name. two policemen are on their way. just stay where you are.
me- okay. please hurry.
operator- (asks questions about who is there with me, if I have any weapons, what I hear, etc).
operator- okay, the policemen are there, they are going to circle the house and check everything out and then they are going to knock on your front door to come in. You will have to let them in when they knock.
me- But what if someone is in the livingroom? I don't want to go in there.
operator- It'll be okay. Just run for the door. There are two policemen there and two more on the way.
me- (thinking....holy crap, its true. someone is here. more cops are coming. back up is coming! Someone is definitely here. ohmygosh, I'm for sure about to be murdered.)
operator- okay, they're going to knock, you need to go answer the door.
me- but what if someone is there....
operator- its okay, just run for the door. just run.
me- okay.
So I ran for the door. I didn't even realize I was running on broken glass barefoot until a bit later. So it's pitch black, all I'm thinking is I have to open that door. Safety is at that door. So I run, and get to the door (still thinking someone is lurking in my house) and start tugging on the door but it won't open. I look through the window of the door at the cops and seriously was about to freak out. I'm still not aware of what is happening and I'm not able to open the door to our safety. So the policemen basically kick the front door open after I happily unlock it. They explain what's happening.
A car ran into our house. No murderer or thief. Thank the Lord. Just a car in our living room. So much better, and I am so serious. So someone tried to break into a car, an large SUV, up the road which is also up a hill and they got spooked or something mid break in and left the car but somehow switched the gears at the same time and the car with no driver came down the hill straight into our house!
So no one was hurt, but we were really freaked out. I can't explain how seriously we thought someone had broken in and was in our home. Our home, just waiting to pounce. It's a scary feeling. So the policemen, all 6, we're pretty nice and got things figured out. But it was overall, a very eventful morning, one that I probably will never forget, along with Andrea and Katelyn.
So here are some photos of the damage. It really doesn't even show the full damage, its hard to see in the photos. The whole front wall is so pushed inward that it dwarfs in the part you can actually see pushed in ( because the wall as a whole is in a different place). The front door doesn't close. There is no "window" anymore. Cracks on the sidewalls, the roof is looking a little funny. Not good at all. So, I hope this story was shocking and slightly amusing, because now that we know its not someone out to harm us there is some amusement to it. A our home.....wait....that like never happens! We are just so thankful it was what it was and not something else. We feel pretty lucky. But prayers for our home, and belongings, and the security of our home would definitely be appreciated. I'm betting we'll be a bit jumpy for awhile. It still feels like our space was violated, or safety zone was broken, and that will probably take some time to get over, however, with that said, I know we were being looked after. I don't think I even cut my feet on all those shards of glass, a small thing it seems but I am thank ful. And no one was hurt! So there you have it. Any other questions about it just let me know. I don't always explain myself well. :o)
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Redmond, OR
This is a completely random side note but the dad in Numb3rs reminds me of my Grandpa Joe in looks. Something there just has such a familiar resemblence, I like it.
I got to see Tumalo Falls today and walk up to the beautiful view point, which was in fact a very beautiful view point! Mm...had some good thai food after church today, more stumptown coffee and checked into my relatively skeezy hotel but its safe warm and dry so I can't complain. Two nights here and then home I go! So excited! the Safe Light Repair commercial really impresses me. How do they fix a broken window like that, its amazing! I think I've been on the road so long that otherwise annoying commercials are actually creating amusement in me.
Other than an unbelieveable cold that feels like it is in my bones I'm doing really well. Incredibly tired for some reason, I did wake up to a man yelling at exactly 3:33am this morning and couldn't sleep for sometime after that but still no reason, I slept in until 8:30am after that. Feels nice to sleep in! Short post, but here are some photos from this weekend.
Photos to come, they're not posting.
I got to see Tumalo Falls today and walk up to the beautiful view point, which was in fact a very beautiful view point! Mm...had some good thai food after church today, more stumptown coffee and checked into my relatively skeezy hotel but its safe warm and dry so I can't complain. Two nights here and then home I go! So excited! the Safe Light Repair commercial really impresses me. How do they fix a broken window like that, its amazing! I think I've been on the road so long that otherwise annoying commercials are actually creating amusement in me.
Other than an unbelieveable cold that feels like it is in my bones I'm doing really well. Incredibly tired for some reason, I did wake up to a man yelling at exactly 3:33am this morning and couldn't sleep for sometime after that but still no reason, I slept in until 8:30am after that. Feels nice to sleep in! Short post, but here are some photos from this weekend.
Photos to come, they're not posting.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Day,....? in Central OR
You can do the math, I don't remember how long I've been in this area now, not over a week, I do know this. Am I loving Trader Joe's being so close though? Yes....yes I very much am. And have I gone back to Thump twice since my first visit this week, oh yes! I had to take Andrea to get a good cup of joe, and also see the adorable downtown. We had a good time, both of us apparently being 99 year old woman that can't stay up past 7pm but we did alright, we held our own. We were able to explore the city yesterday, boutique shop browse, coffee drink, get some good food, and watch The Proposal via paperview. So high class, I know! :o) Such a great movie, we both loved it. And then today I really wanted to find the Lava Caves and do some stuff outside, but instead we wandered into the Something Lava Park (I forget the full name), which consisted of us driving forever up a rocky road, through snow and into a path around lava rock. It was cool to see, and it smelt amazing up there, wanted to bottle that sensory delight up but overall no caves. So we went to Sunriver for some cheap sweat pants and maybe some people watching amusement to find no people, although cheap sweats still available. Phew. Food, more walking around downtown, cave searching and coffee drinking ensued. It was a pleasant weekend.
Church tomorrow! I'm excited. Pray I do well at all my Redmond school visits and the central OR fair on tuesday. And then I come home, which I'm soooooooo excited for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Church tomorrow! I'm excited. Pray I do well at all my Redmond school visits and the central OR fair on tuesday. And then I come home, which I'm soooooooo excited for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, October 9, 2009
Prineville, OR

So my work week is done for awhile now! I want to attempt to still find some churches to visit Sunday, although I do have a church to attend a service at which is great. Getting to actually go to a church service while on the road is seriously like getting a cold cup of water on a hot hot day, refreshing and needed.
I got to see a whole bunch of extended family last night which was a ton of fun as well! We had a great dinner and then played games and talked until I think all of us were quite tired and ready for bed. Glad I'm not the only one who starts to get tired around 8pm...haha, guess it runs in the family!
Andrea is coming to town today to spend the night so I'm really excited about that. I'm hoping to get outdoors and do something active! Running around that mining place was the most fun I've had all week, it felt good to jump and climb things, although perhaps a little unsafe since it was condemned...but don't fear, I wasn't alone, they could've called 911 if needed. :o) Something I did decide that I would like to do today is fly in a hot air balloon, I saw one up in the sky on my drive to Prineville this morning and now have added it to my goals in life to accomplish. Hey, maybe I can even do it tomorrow, that's it! I'm going to google it after this blog.
Actually, I'm going to put some photos up, not much to report yet today. :o)
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Bend, Day 3
Okay, so first and foremost I am wearing a super cute dress and I'm just really happy about that. Secondly, I'm talking to Hannah on Skype right now and this also pleases me. And to make things even better, I'm at Thump and having probably one of the best cups of coffee I've had in quite awhile. Soy Sugarfree Hazelnut Latte! Mmmm...mmm....
I just came from such a fantastically awesome school visit on Bend High School. Last year it was quite the dud, except for the awesome counselor they have so I was expecting that again. I was so wrong! Were there students there you ask, a whole lot, like an army's worth? No. Not even one student there. What was there were three dads were volunteer in the career college office and the awesome counselor from last year. I went through all the information with them, answered all their questions and sat and chatted and joked around with them. It was so great, a real conversation with people that were so interested! In the end, all three dads requested extra information and one of them is highly involved in his church and told me he was going over after this to speak with the pastor and give him the info because this pastor speaks with all the youth leaders in town. He wants ALL of the youth leaders in town to know more about Corban! So I gave him my card and told him to tell the youth pastor to contact me anytime and I'd come over to speak for any and all youth groups. All I can say is when I left, all four people left in that room were in love with Corban and wanted to share it with all their students, friends and churches. GREAT VISIT!
So I'm off to La Pine for another school visit here in a bit. Should be good, the counselor was super nice if I remember correctly. Apparently, however, I was informed today that 25% of the elementary and middle schools have swine I'm going to be super germ freak while there.
Here are some wood tablets I can read from where I"m sitting, they are hanging from the ceiling in Thump.
I Wish I was a King
I wish for green and clean energy.
I wish I was more decisive...... (me too!)
I like this one- 1. Smart 2. Funny 3. kind hearted 4. Really into me (a wish for a good man, haha)
I wish to be everything I've always wanted to be.
I wish I knew what to wish for.
I wish the war would stop.
I wish for prosperity...... (don't we all, actually I just wish to be comfortable but to live humbly and below what I make, to be prosperous in the things that truly count for something- like love, family, friends, God, pretty dresses for Black and White....)
I wish it was okay for me not to pay taxes.
There are some very interesting ones up their hanging! My favorite it still the man one, so funny. There are hundreds hanging, but from my back corner, at a table I share with a man that has a tweed hat on and red bandana around his neck...I can not see that many and actually read them. Tired eyes. As a side note before I log off, a girl stopped by to talk with this guy, and told him she was going around town posting fliers to start a "Bend Currency." Haha, a currency that can only be used in Bend, can't be taken out, so that they can have their own trade and separate themselves from society basically. To start a commune. It made me laugh. Oh skinny hippie girl....who is probably loaded because she IS living in make me laugh. Go drink a vegan cup of fair trade coffee, wear a skirt made of hemp and sweater of alpaca, and spend $200 a month to change your glass water containers to "go green."
In all reality though, most of you know I would love to have the bohemian look. Long curly flowing hair.....have my nose ring again.... live in skirts and cute dresses. eat only organic and local grown things for the most part....use great smelling green cleaning products.... Ahh..what a great life. :o)
I just came from such a fantastically awesome school visit on Bend High School. Last year it was quite the dud, except for the awesome counselor they have so I was expecting that again. I was so wrong! Were there students there you ask, a whole lot, like an army's worth? No. Not even one student there. What was there were three dads were volunteer in the career college office and the awesome counselor from last year. I went through all the information with them, answered all their questions and sat and chatted and joked around with them. It was so great, a real conversation with people that were so interested! In the end, all three dads requested extra information and one of them is highly involved in his church and told me he was going over after this to speak with the pastor and give him the info because this pastor speaks with all the youth leaders in town. He wants ALL of the youth leaders in town to know more about Corban! So I gave him my card and told him to tell the youth pastor to contact me anytime and I'd come over to speak for any and all youth groups. All I can say is when I left, all four people left in that room were in love with Corban and wanted to share it with all their students, friends and churches. GREAT VISIT!
So I'm off to La Pine for another school visit here in a bit. Should be good, the counselor was super nice if I remember correctly. Apparently, however, I was informed today that 25% of the elementary and middle schools have swine I'm going to be super germ freak while there.
Here are some wood tablets I can read from where I"m sitting, they are hanging from the ceiling in Thump.
I Wish I was a King
I wish for green and clean energy.
I wish I was more decisive...... (me too!)
I like this one- 1. Smart 2. Funny 3. kind hearted 4. Really into me (a wish for a good man, haha)
I wish to be everything I've always wanted to be.
I wish I knew what to wish for.
I wish the war would stop.
I wish for prosperity...... (don't we all, actually I just wish to be comfortable but to live humbly and below what I make, to be prosperous in the things that truly count for something- like love, family, friends, God, pretty dresses for Black and White....)
I wish it was okay for me not to pay taxes.
There are some very interesting ones up their hanging! My favorite it still the man one, so funny. There are hundreds hanging, but from my back corner, at a table I share with a man that has a tweed hat on and red bandana around his neck...I can not see that many and actually read them. Tired eyes. As a side note before I log off, a girl stopped by to talk with this guy, and told him she was going around town posting fliers to start a "Bend Currency." Haha, a currency that can only be used in Bend, can't be taken out, so that they can have their own trade and separate themselves from society basically. To start a commune. It made me laugh. Oh skinny hippie girl....who is probably loaded because she IS living in make me laugh. Go drink a vegan cup of fair trade coffee, wear a skirt made of hemp and sweater of alpaca, and spend $200 a month to change your glass water containers to "go green."
In all reality though, most of you know I would love to have the bohemian look. Long curly flowing hair.....have my nose ring again.... live in skirts and cute dresses. eat only organic and local grown things for the most part....use great smelling green cleaning products.... Ahh..what a great life. :o)
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
The Photos From Today
Here are the photos it wouldn't let me blog in the post below this. I also just want to say that I was cruising through the channels on tv just now and landed on "ultimate bug wars!" Are you serious, what luck, its comparing bugs from all over the rule that rule the lands, and who would win in a fight between different species. If the king grasshopper was human sized its mandible could tear easily through concrete! Are you

Central Oregon
Elk. Condemned mining buildings. Mexican food. Bugles.
What do these all have common? My day here in Bend, its been absolutely fantastic. Today I had three school visits, Madras and two Bend high schools. Two went really well, the middle one forgot I was coming and went home sick...therefore leaving me in a dark room alone for like 20 minutes in high hopes that a student might still show up. Which none did. It was a beautiful day over here though so I was really looking forward to going and finding an abandoned mill and water tower I saw a couple days ago to take some photos and explore it. But first, a nap and working out. Which actually means that I got back to my hotel, set an alarm clock for a 30 minute nap and then proceeded to sleep for an hour and 30 min, all the while hitting the alarm clock off every ten minutes. I truly though that every new set of ten minutes I'd be ready to get up, but it never failed that I was so exhausted I hit snooze "just one more time."
So I ended up finding this old mill, which was actually an old mining place with its own water tower. I went with some cousins I have that live here, Connie and Henry, and we had a great time exploring the grounds. I even climbed to the second story of the mill after some work and had such an awesome view. I must say, not only did I get some great photos, I also very proudly saw some small holes in the roofing and siding of the ruined building. Seeing these I also thought, hmm....they look like holes from a rifle, yes they are holes from a rifle! I then proceeded to find shell casings all around the building and thought, how its rifle casings! Why did I know this? From talking with my Grandpa in CA and learning all about guns, I was quite proud I remembered and was able to identify the holes and the casings, however easy they may or may not be to identify. It was quite the triumph for me.
After we had a good time exploring we also went and drove around these backroads for a little longer and found an elk farm. I pet an elk tonight! So they were bugling the whole time and all I kept thinking about was...mmm....bugles kind of sound good. You know, those crunchy ones, made of corn I think, a little salty. Needless to say, the bugling made me want bugles the food. We all see where my priority is.
So I'm pretty tired and more than ready for bed so I'm getting to go get some shut eye. But first I'll post some photos from today. I took 92, but I promise it will not be that thorough in the postings. :o)
Hope all is well with everyone!
Oh, also, I found the cutest dress at the white and black store, I think I might buy it for the wedding but its a little pricey......okay, a lot pricey. Do I do it still? Any suggestions for a good dress? Why do I even ask, we all know when I get my mind set on something specific its pretty hard to tear me away from it because everything less will pale in comparison.
What do these all have common? My day here in Bend, its been absolutely fantastic. Today I had three school visits, Madras and two Bend high schools. Two went really well, the middle one forgot I was coming and went home sick...therefore leaving me in a dark room alone for like 20 minutes in high hopes that a student might still show up. Which none did. It was a beautiful day over here though so I was really looking forward to going and finding an abandoned mill and water tower I saw a couple days ago to take some photos and explore it. But first, a nap and working out. Which actually means that I got back to my hotel, set an alarm clock for a 30 minute nap and then proceeded to sleep for an hour and 30 min, all the while hitting the alarm clock off every ten minutes. I truly though that every new set of ten minutes I'd be ready to get up, but it never failed that I was so exhausted I hit snooze "just one more time."
So I ended up finding this old mill, which was actually an old mining place with its own water tower. I went with some cousins I have that live here, Connie and Henry, and we had a great time exploring the grounds. I even climbed to the second story of the mill after some work and had such an awesome view. I must say, not only did I get some great photos, I also very proudly saw some small holes in the roofing and siding of the ruined building. Seeing these I also thought, hmm....they look like holes from a rifle, yes they are holes from a rifle! I then proceeded to find shell casings all around the building and thought, how its rifle casings! Why did I know this? From talking with my Grandpa in CA and learning all about guns, I was quite proud I remembered and was able to identify the holes and the casings, however easy they may or may not be to identify. It was quite the triumph for me.
After we had a good time exploring we also went and drove around these backroads for a little longer and found an elk farm. I pet an elk tonight! So they were bugling the whole time and all I kept thinking about was...mmm....bugles kind of sound good. You know, those crunchy ones, made of corn I think, a little salty. Needless to say, the bugling made me want bugles the food. We all see where my priority is.
So I'm pretty tired and more than ready for bed so I'm getting to go get some shut eye. But first I'll post some photos from today. I took 92, but I promise it will not be that thorough in the postings. :o)
Hope all is well with everyone!
Oh, also, I found the cutest dress at the white and black store, I think I might buy it for the wedding but its a little pricey......okay, a lot pricey. Do I do it still? Any suggestions for a good dress? Why do I even ask, we all know when I get my mind set on something specific its pretty hard to tear me away from it because everything less will pale in comparison.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The place a lounged to read in Reno, overlooked the city A random orchard, CA

I don't remember what casino these two were considered. Cool music coming from inside though.
Yay! I finally get to blog from an Oregon city, this is such a great feeling! It's beautiful here right now- very cold and very sunny. Such a great combination! What....I get layers upon layers of clothing and get to enjoy the sunshine, really, does it get better than that. Throw a cup of hot coffee in my hand and call me the happiest girl in the land. Did that rhyme...yes it did, that was not your imagination, although I have no doubt you are all in fact that full of imagination. The more I write that word, the weirder it looks so it will not be said for the rest of this blog.
Because I never got a chance to post any photos from Reno I have some to put up, as well as some random others, I'll try to title them so its easy to figure out what they're from. I had an organic rice bowl from Cafe Yumm, and it was yum. Dinner.....where to go...where to go....
This place I'm at is awesome, they gave me a free upgrade for no reason at all other than being nice and I have a kitchen, patio, fireplace, livingroom, bar with fantastic! On another note, I feel like I'm getting arthritis in my hands, perhaps I've been typing too much.
Bones is like the tv show of the road. It's on again, TNT its quickly becoming my best friend.
Work related stuff- went well today. Got up early and drove to Sisters for my first Oregon visit of the year, and from there drove to Culver for my second Oregon visit of the year. I can not explain to you the difference between Oregon and California schools, its unexplainable unless you have experienced it yourself (much like life on the road) but it is so much better here! Perhaps its my mind set, or my love of Oregon country, but its simply beautiful in an astounding way. It was also great to be in the office Friday and Monday before hitting the road again. Catching up on emails, voicemails, scheduling school visits, turning in receipts, basically just getting everything done that I can't do while I'm on the road- which is quite a bit. We have over 500 applications already this year.....that's about 450 more than this time last year, just to give you an idea of the increase. Amazing! I truly can see the Lord blessing our school and blessing my visits. I pray before every visit that I have the right words to say and that the right person hears them, I also just pray that I am used somehow to do God's will, whether that brings a student to Corban or not.
NANA DON"T READ THIS BECAUSE IT WILL GROSS YOU OUT- Bones just showed a guy that had been killed but cats got to him before Bones and Booth did! It's so catwoman.
If any of you know fun things to do in Bend or the surrounding area give me a call or text and let me know what that just might be! I have many evenings to fill. I drove past an abandoned barn and water tower today, definitely going back this week to take some photos as my camera was zipped in my suitcase in the rear of the van.
Okay, I'm off to pick a place for dinner off my fantastic list of excellent placed to dine. :o)
Show of the day- Bones
Book of the day- Obsessed
Group of the day- Lady Antebelum
Talk to you soon!
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