Monday, October 19, 2009

Scary Day today was an interesting start to the week. One I for sure never expected and will definitely never ever forget. So this is how it went down.
At 4am this morning I hear a very loud crashing sound and shattering glass. I immediately think, "ohmygosh, someone is breaking into the house." Which of course terrified me, one of my worst nightmares come true. So I grab my phone and my pepper spray and ran to my bedroom door, fumbling in the dark for my sweatpants to cover up and dropping my pepper spray and then having to get on my hands and knees to find that. So I think, well, maybe its Andrea (my roommate) and maybe she is up for some reason and dropped something (something apparently really big and breakable, which would be nothing that we own). So I stand by door and listen, I hear crunching glass and a few things falling, which very much sounds like someone walking through my livingroom. So I think, I have to know, so I open my door and crack and call for Andrea in what I thought was a very strong voice but what was actually a very shaky voice. So I call for her twice, still hear weird stuff in the living room and hear her answer from her bedroom. Her bedroom is right next to mine and we can hear everything between our rooms so it pretty much sounds like she is literally in my room with me. So good news- Andrea and our friends Kate who spent the night were safe in Andrea's unlockable door, bad news- someone else was in our house crunching through broken glass. So this terrifying both of us even more, I slam my door shut and throw my body against it because like Andrea's door, mine doesn't lock either. So I'm wedged against my door, pepper spray still in hand and 911 on the phone.
Call to 911-

me- someone is breaking into my house right now, I heard a bang, glass shattering and I hear crunching glass.
operator- okay, what's your address. what's your name. two policemen are on their way. just stay where you are.
me- okay. please hurry.
operator- (asks questions about who is there with me, if I have any weapons, what I hear, etc).
operator- okay, the policemen are there, they are going to circle the house and check everything out and then they are going to knock on your front door to come in. You will have to let them in when they knock.
me- But what if someone is in the livingroom? I don't want to go in there.

operator- It'll be okay. Just run for the door. There are two policemen there and two more on the way.

me- (thinking....holy crap, its true. someone is here. more cops are coming. back up is coming! Someone is definitely here. ohmygosh, I'm for sure about to be murdered.)
operator- okay, they're going to knock, you need to go answer the door.

me- but what if someone is there....
operator- its okay, just run for the door. just run.
me- okay.
So I ran for the door. I didn't even realize I was running on broken glass barefoot until a bit later. So it's pitch black, all I'm thinking is I have to open that door. Safety is at that door. So I run, and get to the door (still thinking someone is lurking in my house) and start tugging on the door but it won't open. I look through the window of the door at the cops and seriously was about to freak out. I'm still not aware of what is happening and I'm not able to open the door to our safety. So the policemen basically kick the front door open after I happily unlock it. They explain what's happening.
A car ran into our house. No murderer or thief. Thank the Lord. Just a car in our living room. So much better, and I am so serious. So someone tried to break into a car, an large SUV, up the road which is also up a hill and they got spooked or something mid break in and left the car but somehow switched the gears at the same time and the car with no driver came down the hill straight into our house!

So no one was hurt, but we were really freaked out. I can't explain how seriously we thought someone had broken in and was in our home. Our home, just waiting to pounce. It's a scary feeling. So the policemen, all 6, we're pretty nice and got things figured out. But it was overall, a very eventful morning, one that I probably will never forget, along with Andrea and Katelyn.

So here are some photos of the damage. It really doesn't even show the full damage, its hard to see in the photos. The whole front wall is so pushed inward that it dwarfs in the part you can actually see pushed in ( because the wall as a whole is in a different place). The front door doesn't close. There is no "window" anymore. Cracks on the sidewalls, the roof is looking a little funny. Not good at all. So, I hope this story was shocking and slightly amusing, because now that we know its not someone out to harm us there is some amusement to it. A our home.....wait....that like never happens! We are just so thankful it was what it was and not something else. We feel pretty lucky. But prayers for our home, and belongings, and the security of our home would definitely be appreciated. I'm betting we'll be a bit jumpy for awhile. It still feels like our space was violated, or safety zone was broken, and that will probably take some time to get over, however, with that said, I know we were being looked after. I don't think I even cut my feet on all those shards of glass, a small thing it seems but I am thank ful. And no one was hurt! So there you have it. Any other questions about it just let me know. I don't always explain myself well. :o)

1 comment:

OJ said...

O man! That is a crazy story...and I would have been sooo freaked out! Wow