Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Boise, ID

So today was my huge national fair, 8000+ students, busy day. It started at 8:30am and ended today at 8:30pm. Looooooong day, but now over and I'm comfortably in my hotel room. My lovely lovely hotel room. With my lovely lovely comfortable bed. Aahh...to sleep sounds as good as chocolate meets coffee meets insanely intelligent attrative doctor meets good book. Better than that even. I was so tired that at the fair today, and after our break in which I walked around with some very funny guys who are reps at Northwest Christian and two from Concordia (which they decided that we were like the Wizard of Oz), I came back to my booth and immediately fell asleep on the floor of my little area. Flat on the floor, completely out of it, emerging just in time to have five minutes of wake up thinking before students and parents came through the front doors. Fantastic. Nap = Good. So so tired.

Downtown Boise is so adorable though. During our break we went and played a couple games of pool, I do say I got better as the afternoon continued, and then walked around and finally found a place for dinner. I don't know why it happens, but every year on the road I end up being in groups of guys, perhaps I should not vocalize my love of bugs? Haha. I'm looking forward to going to Urban Outfitters on Saturday though (my day of nothing) and saw some spas close to the shopping area downtown. I'm going to relax, work out and have some fun at shops I don't normally get to see.

Great after work adventure- The Office was on and I greatly enjoyed that while eating a late night dinner snack. And now, Seinfield is on and just flashed an enormous old school cell phone. It's a work out just to carry those old cell phones. I remember going to baseball games in elementary and middle school, such the thing to do. We'd go to these games though, eat snowcones, watch our guy friends and hang out on the old rickety bleachers and the park next to the ball park....well everytime while being there I would have my parents cell phone with me. I was not the large purse girl I am today, bigger really is better (to an extent of course, I'm not a Texan, although close to) but that cell phone would be so large that I could barely zip up my little purses. A tight fit indeed.

Oh! The fair started off like this- the doors open and students literally come running through the doors in all directions, masses of heads bobbing towards our awaiting booths. One girl in particular comes running up to the Corban booth with a friend and yells "This is where I'm going!" The lady in the booth next door to me was a wee bit jealous I think, she commented how I must feel pretty good having that start of the day. I did feel pretty good. Then as the day progressed a bunch of Camp Pinewood campers (I was a counselor at that camp for a summer in McCall in 2006), but a bunch of those campers now older were stopping by the booth and remembering me! Some I didn't really remember, some I recognized their faces, but it was so much fun to have these campers being like "you're Casey, your were a counselor at my camp." :o) It was just so cool, and a reminder of how much seeds can be planted way earlier and can grow over the years. That we as counselors at camps aren't always just passing people in these students lives, but we are "their" counselor, directly connected to their memories that were made that summer at camp. It's a pretty cool thing when you sit to really think about it. Also odd to think that I was just 20 years old, not that I'm much wiser or older now, but how much have a changed and grown since that day! And how much I will change and grow in the next three years after this year, amazing.

Update on our house- we now have a temporary wall up, flesh with your fireplace, therefore cutting our livingroom into a very tiny space. The temp wall creates a safer environment but at the same time the cold air still comes in so our house is freezing and every noise from outside is in our remaining livingroom. The temp wall does nothing to sound proof. So we're still having a little bit of trouble wanting to be there. The emotions we felt in the, what, 15 minutes of unknown danger, has definitely left its damaged mark on our minds. The loud noise doesn't

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