Friday, October 30, 2009

An End of A Great Week

It has been a great week but I am still so relieved to be finished with it. Tonight and tomorrow I have no set plans, and it feels so great. A break. Just finished eating lunch- raspberries, apple slices, sweet peas and cheese kettle chips, lunch of champions. I've also just decided that the newest JC Penny commercial is so annoying that every time it comes on the tv it makes the fuzzy tv noise. Every and all axe commercial is up there in the same annoying commercial bracket, although it also reaches into the disgusting vomit in my mouth bracket as well.
Its warmed up a bit and stopped snowing and raining, so the weekend is looking pleasant. Is it sad that I've already thought of a few things I want to eat while I'm here? I was also thinking pf changs as I mentioned yesterday, and then I remembered a little greek restaurant I saw the other day, and the melting pot which I've always heard is delicious. Hmm...not sure of thats a sit by yourself kind of place though. We'll see.
Is it sad that I'd be satisfied with this day if all I did was work out and go to sleep now? Until later!

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