Thursday, October 8, 2009

Bend, Day 3

Okay, so first and foremost I am wearing a super cute dress and I'm just really happy about that. Secondly, I'm talking to Hannah on Skype right now and this also pleases me. And to make things even better, I'm at Thump and having probably one of the best cups of coffee I've had in quite awhile. Soy Sugarfree Hazelnut Latte! Mmmm...mmm....
I just came from such a fantastically awesome school visit on Bend High School. Last year it was quite the dud, except for the awesome counselor they have so I was expecting that again. I was so wrong! Were there students there you ask, a whole lot, like an army's worth? No. Not even one student there. What was there were three dads were volunteer in the career college office and the awesome counselor from last year. I went through all the information with them, answered all their questions and sat and chatted and joked around with them. It was so great, a real conversation with people that were so interested! In the end, all three dads requested extra information and one of them is highly involved in his church and told me he was going over after this to speak with the pastor and give him the info because this pastor speaks with all the youth leaders in town. He wants ALL of the youth leaders in town to know more about Corban! So I gave him my card and told him to tell the youth pastor to contact me anytime and I'd come over to speak for any and all youth groups. All I can say is when I left, all four people left in that room were in love with Corban and wanted to share it with all their students, friends and churches. GREAT VISIT!
So I'm off to La Pine for another school visit here in a bit. Should be good, the counselor was super nice if I remember correctly. Apparently, however, I was informed today that 25% of the elementary and middle schools have swine I'm going to be super germ freak while there.
Here are some wood tablets I can read from where I"m sitting, they are hanging from the ceiling in Thump.

I Wish I was a King
I wish for green and clean energy.
I wish I was more decisive...... (me too!)
I like this one- 1. Smart 2. Funny 3. kind hearted 4. Really into me (a wish for a good man, haha)
I wish to be everything I've always wanted to be.
I wish I knew what to wish for.
I wish the war would stop.
I wish for prosperity...... (don't we all, actually I just wish to be comfortable but to live humbly and below what I make, to be prosperous in the things that truly count for something- like love, family, friends, God, pretty dresses for Black and White....)
I wish it was okay for me not to pay taxes.

There are some very interesting ones up their hanging! My favorite it still the man one, so funny. There are hundreds hanging, but from my back corner, at a table I share with a man that has a tweed hat on and red bandana around his neck...I can not see that many and actually read them. Tired eyes. As a side note before I log off, a girl stopped by to talk with this guy, and told him she was going around town posting fliers to start a "Bend Currency." Haha, a currency that can only be used in Bend, can't be taken out, so that they can have their own trade and separate themselves from society basically. To start a commune. It made me laugh. Oh skinny hippie girl....who is probably loaded because she IS living in make me laugh. Go drink a vegan cup of fair trade coffee, wear a skirt made of hemp and sweater of alpaca, and spend $200 a month to change your glass water containers to "go green."
In all reality though, most of you know I would love to have the bohemian look. Long curly flowing hair.....have my nose ring again.... live in skirts and cute dresses. eat only organic and local grown things for the most part....use great smelling green cleaning products.... Ahh..what a great life. :o)

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Shaun said...
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