Monday, September 20, 2010

Sept. 19th...20th? what day is it

I'm at that point when I don't really even know what day it is. I knew today was Monday, but I also thought saturday and sunday were also I was just bound to finally get it right one of these days. I am at a Starbucks in Fresno right now. I literally just stalked a much covetted table and chair for almost an hour and a half. That's not even an exaggeration, sadly. I was in the seat with a broken electrical outlet and in front of the door directly, so the breeze was hitting me. Now, since some chatty cathy's finally left, I stole their seat before they were even all the way out the door. I'm tucked in a nice corner, can see the entire store, and have a warm window with sunlight hitting my legs.Good things do come to those who wait.

I love Tracy Chapman. I made a bet last year with David if it was a woman or man...I won. Apparently he doesn't get out much, because obviously its a woman. :o) Although who am I to speak, I stalked a table and chair for over an hour, that doesn't exactly scream wild adventures.

I have been very international within this time frame though. Getting some work done for Salem, OR. Emailed back Kristy in Croatia. Talked with Hannah on slype in Poland, while she talked with someone in Albania and bought a ticket to Germany. See, all over the world. I'm driving to both Madera Nochos and Dinuba today as well. I've been looking for a spa in town that gives massages for not a million bucks, but nothing is open or I can't get through. My back hurts to bad, its radiating down a leg. I don't think that's a good thing. And I didn't sleep last night, barely at all, so my eyes are bloodshot. I look like I had a wild night, I wonder what the kids in my early class thought this morning...they were barely awake, so I'm sure they didn't even notice.

Can anyone recommend a good book? I've almost finished the one I picked up on like wednesday I think. The money I spend the most of on the road goes to books. I can't get enough, everytime I'm eating I'm reading, anytime I'm killing time between school visits and fairs, if I'm not emailing for work then I'm reading. It's times like this I almost wish I was a slower reader, it'd certainly help my pocket book.

I'm off for now. Perhaps I'll have more to add in later tonight or tomorrow. Hope everyone is doing well back home. Miss everyone.


Courtney said...

If you're into classics I'd try Jane Eyre. Just read it and really enjoyed it. I think you'd appreciate some of weird things that are in there:)

Casey said...

Oh yeah! That's a good one. I remember you telling me that, I think I might just check it out.